My day went pretty OK. I’m currently on assignment, investigating corruption in the affordable housing market, specifically looking into Roxboro, North Carolina—which is wild. One of their directors was caught gambling $1 million of housing authority money at one of those fish table bingo-type places, and the only real consequence was losing their job. Then their second director just got fired for fraud and some other shady dealings.
It’s been eye-opening to see just how badly people in affordable and public housing are treated, especially by career bureaucrats more focused on advancing themselves than actually helping. It’s absolutely insane. And now, Durham is building a rail line to connect to Roxboro, which has sparked controversy. Some locals openly said, Oh, we don’t want those thugs coming from Durham, but then—just a week later—their newly elected MAGA-supporting Republican commissioner got arrested for pistol-whipping his wife. So yeah, it’s been interesting.